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We look forward for your great and valuable contribution. Together we can make a difference. If you have any queries feel free to reach us.
If you have ideas & interest to our niche related these categories,
Our Guidelines to be Followed:
- The No. of word count must be 800 words ( subjected to quality of article content )
- We accept only 100% unique content
- When you writing an article please mention source links
- Mention the title of the article and should within 60 characters
- Before sending the articles please make sure it is free from grammatical errors
- Use proper & eye catchy headings, sub-headings and/or bullets where appropriate
- We don’t accept Spin content
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- The featured Image should be 800X440 px & size should be around 50 KB
- We will accept only 1 Do-follow links per article subjected to article size, quality etc.,
- We never accept irrelevant content
- We will review the article if it is unique and informative we published the article with 1-2 days of time
- When you are sending article, send us the author bio and social profiles to add the end of the article
- eurotoursandtravels.com holds all rights to accept or reject or even may request for modifications in the sent articles
Mail us the Details.
To pureequity964 (at) gmail (dot) com Send us the article, links and transaction id to pureequity964 (at) gmail (dot) com or fill in below form. We make your article published in 2 hrs.